Friday, August 25, 2006

Flexy Flex from Adobe

“Moreover, MXML - the language on which the Flex 2 framework runs - takes such a minimalist approach to developing Web UIs that it beats Ruby and all other Java Web frameworks hands down. So it’s worth your while to try rich Internet application programming with Flex 2. You’ll think twice before using Java or any server-side scripting language to write Web UIs.”

Mario Morejon, CRN Test Center

Today I used Adobe Flex, the new emerging web designing as well as programming tool. Flux is great. Being a J2EE developer as well as an eclipse user, its eclipse nature helped me to do some works with it. Yeah its really interesting to me. After that I had searched for some more practical comments about this Flex work and happened to see the following posts.

One is about its troubles :Trouble with Adobe Flex

Another one is an interview with an expert Web programmer Anatole Tartakovsky of Farata Systems :Adobe Flex 2 - Answering Tough Questions About Enterprise Development

Sounds interesting..right?


Mike Wagner said...

Most consumer-facing RIAs interact with public facing servers. Most business applications don’t. Instead, they interact with servers behind the firewall. That’s where REA come in. REA has three pillars:
• Ajax// for rich and highly interactive application capabilities
• SOA// for standards-based, loosely-coupled business services
• The Web// for Ajax application to SOA business service connectivity

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