Tuesday, December 19, 2006

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Some new releases...

Spring 2.0.1 : This is the first maintenance release for Spring 2.0, including fixes for most bugs that have been reported since 2.0 final as well as many minor enhancements. This release also introduces OpenJPA support and GlassFish weaving support.

JUnit 4.2 : JUnit is a regression testing framework used for implementing unit tests in Java. Its new version JUnit 4.2 have released . This is a bug fix release. JUnit 4 takes advantage of Java 5 features like annotations, varargs, and generics to simplify unit testing still further.

JOOConverter 2.1.0: This is an Open Source Java/OpenOffice Document Converter, ie a tool to perform conversions between different office document formats. Its 2.1.0 version is released.

Technorati tags: Spring Framework, JUnit, JooConverter

JTrac 2.0 released

The open source issue tracker JTrac's new version (v2.0) is released. This version is more flexible than the old versions. So many options like the new Dashboard which includes search, view status are more useful to the user. It also features multi-language support now. The latest spring technology "Spring web flow" is also used during it's development.

Click here to visit JTrack's home. To download click here

Related post : JTrac

The new version of Compass is released

The third milestone release of version 1.1 ( version 1.1 M3) of COMPASS is released. It includes the following major features...

  • Support for polymorphic relationships
  • Better cyclic mappings support
  • FS Transactional Log
  • Runtime Settings
  • JdbcDirectory support Oracle 9
  • Initial XA Support
  • Performance Improvement

At the same time one other important news is that, hibernate is already started to add more features which will helpful to integrate Lucene directly to an application without using Compass framework.

Read more about this from it's founder's blog
Related post : Compass- a java search engine framework build on lucene

Technorati tags: Compass, Hibernate

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